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- About The Brand -

Trials and Tribulations

S R Beauty was stemmed from my Mother Sandra Rachael, a self-taught beautician who didn't have a lot of money. She created hair care products that suited the various hair types of my sisters and I. This was the beginning of the foundation of learning about natural hair care.


My Mom passed in 2013 of a massive heart attack.

She would have been proud of my greatest achievements  that were passed on from her to me. During the most difficult time is when I birthed S R Beauty. Sometimes in our most trying times is when you create the most beautiful things. "Beauty for ashes."  


I decided in that moment, my goal, which is to create generational wealth for my children.  

How to Promote Hair Growth

I remember spending hundreds of dollars on so-called hair growth products, all for my hair to have little to no growth. I found out these products were filled with so many chemicals and preservatives that were actually stunting my hair growth. This is when I decided to make my own hair growth products. 

Our Hair Growth Pomade 

This pomade stimulates hair growth, and it hydrates and moisturizes, showing real results within 30 days. I actually started it for 30 days because my edges were so thin from wearing braids and wigs all the time. Within 30 days, my edges started growing back. 

Our Anti-Dandruff Creme 

Am I the only one who hates a dry and flaky scalp, that's constantly itching? This is why I love our hair anti-dandruff creme! It keeps your scalp hydrated and moisturized throughout the entire week, helping to reduce irritation, giving your hair the essential nutrients that it needs. 

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